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What is this about?

Unfortunately, many products or services do not reach their full potential due to carelessly constructed look and feel, unprofessional brand, annoying soundscape or bad user experience. A product that could've been great, goes to waste.


Solution (

As a former developer and current designer, I harness my nuanced experience and passion to design joyful user experiences.

What I provide?

Also available..

🔈 Music and sound ⌨️ Markup and CSS

I've worked for / with

Why hire me?

100% authenticity,
with 0% jargon.
cross-discplinary skills,
years of experience
flexible processes,
implementable designs


Working with Olli is a real privilege. He is a creative thinker who always works hard and smart to get job done. You can always count on his help, vision and on his honest opinion. One might call him a UX designer, but really he is an artist. He is the kind of player you definitely want to have in your team. I would work with him again at any time and with great pleasure.

-Saana Borgström (Aiwo, Paytrail)

Olli has been fantastic to work with. He is incredibly talented, communicative, and has consistently delivered against any plan with a level of thoughtfulness that any team will be happy to have. I highly recommend Olli as an extension of anyone's team from start-up to enterprise initiatives.

-James Deighan (Mega Cat Studios)

Sen lisäksi, että Olli on mainio ihminen, jonka seurassa viihdyn, on hän vielä erityisen kova tekijä ammatissaan! Ollin meille tilaustyönä tehtyjen UX auditin sekä wirefreimauksen ansiosta pystyttiin avaamaan meidän tuotekehityksen solmuja uusin silmin ja ideoin.

-Arttu Helke (Trustmary)

Tein Ollin kanssa yhteistyötä liittyen erilaisiin musaklippeihin ja mainosjingleihin. Ollin kanssa oli helppo työskennellä ja lopputuloksen laatuun pystyi aina luottamaan. Pienelläkin speksillä päästiin liikenteeseen ja lopputulos oli luovien ratkaisujen ja tuotannon osalta huippuluokkaa. Soitin Ollin kanssa myös samassa bändissä ja työpaikan kahvitauoilla harva se päivä. Muusikkona Olli on suvereeni osaaja ja monilahjakkuus. Oli edessä basso, syna tai rummut, homma hoituu ja taso on kova.

-Pekka Majaniemi (Paytrail)

Olli's development as a UX-designer and visual problem solver has been immense. He has an innate knack for creating beautiful and functional visualizations – building them from wireframes to full-fletched visual designs. Olli actively hones these skills through eager experimentation, iteration, and studies – continuously growing as a holistic designer. Olli is an endearing part of the workforce with his Finnish quality of humor resonating with all the people around him.

-Aate Autio (Aiwo)

Steering technical product development I was working with Olli in converting customer and business requirements to product UX, user interfaces and implementation. Olli takes responsibility in digging deep into requirements and communicating them and related aspects within the team. Where Olli shines is creating incredible end-user experiences that look graphically amazing. Also, there is never dull moment working with Olli especially if you have Finnish sense of dark humour.

-Hannu Klemetti (Aiwo)

I was the one hiring Olli. Never had doubts on him. Always was proud of him. Often was jealous about his height. We had many seasons together on product development adventures. Olli is an active, honest and open colleague. He is willing to give and receive help. He didn’t always agree and there were times when assignments did not tickle all his ambitions and desires - yet he played for the logo in his shirt. Olli is a multi-talent person and together with his personal characteristics and attitude towards work, he is really something. Man, I miss him.

-Vesa Kortteinen (Paytrail)


✔️ Freelance

🤙 Feel free to contact me.


🕒 I answer e-mails on weekdays within approx. 1 day