"I'm well versed in the realms of software—be it designing websites, web-based applications and products, graphics, or sound. My vast experience from the field has given me a comprehensive understanding of effective processes and culture that excites various team configurations."
Total years of experience: ~14 years
Entrepreneur: ~1 years
Design: ~5 years
Development: ~8 years
-- -- -- -- --
- Freelancer (1/2024-present)
"Honest, authentic, non-jargon UX expertise—with great flexibility and range."
📁 Clients: Trustmary, Tacit Space
- UX Designer (50%) (6-2024-present)
"Spearheading the revamped design (UX, brand) of the main products (Message Wall, Eventos), secondarily building the company culture, product design/development processes, and EX (employee experience) that is necessary to push out quality products."
( unemployed )
- (Laid off) (8-2023-12/2023)
"Patching gaps in skillset, finishing incomplete graphic design courses, evaluating entrepreneurship ideas, improving writing skills, practicing music production, implementing a new site, studying 3D modeling and animation, trying out new UX/UI tools, coding game prototypes, improving health, travel, journaling, reading books, gathering thoughts, re-inventing myself after 10 years of work."
- UX Designer (9/2021-7/2023)
"Product design and concept work (being one of the key designers for the Aiwo CCI), UX generalist work (research, interaction-, information-, usability-, and visual design), building UX culture, structuring the design process, and working on the branding, illustrations, and promotional material up close with the marketing team."
- UI Developer (8/2020-9/2021)
"UI development (React). Designing and implementing new features into the UI, fixing existing problems, and converting user requirements into production code. Work also included occasional odd jobs with the marketing team, including graphic-, and audio design. Then shifted into the world of UX design, full-time."
- Frontend Developer (6/2019-6/2020)
"Bringing the re-design specifications of three very well-known large-scale web shops to fruition with HTML-, CSS-, and JavaScript-based technologies. Occasionally, I work together with the client's design team, reiterating changes to the designs based on the limitations of the system."
- Frontend Lead (6/2018-5/2019)
"Leading a couple of important projects including the complete UI overhaul of Merchant Panel. Overseeing UX (especially accessibility) side of things in 'The State Treasury' related projects. Creating UI designs and implementations for various purposes."
- Frontend Developer (11/2017-6/2018)
"Taking lead responsibility for converting Paytrail's services to be mobile-responsive. Also, led a backend-focused project, where we implemented gross settlements to the system. The first ever touches on being a true-ass project leader."
Software Developer (3/2014-11/2017)
"Jack of all trades and master of none. Implemented all kinds of things from message queue systems to refund functionalities, from refactoring legacy code to building e-mail and PDF layouts. Fixed a whole lot of bugs, wrote a bunch of automated tests, spent a lot of time in the command-line interface, worked as a full-stack developer, and painting a picture of my career- goals, and ambitions."
Metso (Valmet)
- Automation Technician (5/2011-8/2011)
"Installing cable shelves and pulling massive amounts of cable across the hall. Installing frequency converters onto a rack and mentoring a trainee."
- Automation Technician (6/2010-8/2010)
"Mapping out and cleaning all the probes and sensors, there were hundreds across the running machines."
Jyväskylän Sähkö ja Tele
- Electrician (6/2008-7/2008)
"Working as an electrician inside a rock, way below the surface. My days consisted of pulling super thick power cable, bolting cable shelves on the walls, and wiring."
Star Arcade
- Software Developer Trainee (5/2013-10/2013)
"Doing a bachelor's thesis for the school—it had nothing to do with making video games. As a soon-graduating greenhorn, I was trying to build a project management tool with Zend Framework."
JAMK University of Applied Sciences
- Software Developer (5/2012-8/2012)
"Being a part of the 'SkyNest' project—creating a (open-source) project management system called FreeNEST. Lots of time spent with open-source systems, also doing Debian packaging, and having my first touches with Vim."
Metso (Valmet)
- Automation Technician Trainee (5/2009-6/2009)
"Little help here and there, soldering and fixing gadgets."
Insta Automation
- Automation Technician Trainee (1/2009-4/2009)
"Mainly pre-wiring electrical cabinets by looking at electrical drawings."
Jyväskylän Sähkö ja Tele
- Electrician Trainee (2/2008-4/2008)
"Pulling and installing wires in a hospital and a few other places."
Freelance (...without business name)
- 'Aiwo Studio' Podcast Jingle (2021, Aiwo)
- 'Kauppaa 24/7' Podcast Jingle (2020, Paytrail)
- Wall Art (5 Pieces) (2019, Nuan/Paytrail)
- 'Project He-Man [GENESIS]' Music (2019, Mega Cat Studios)
- Logo Design (2019,
- 'Inherent Smile' Music (2018, Mega Cat Studios)
- Logo Consulting (2017, Rot)
- 'Project Shark [GENESIS]' Music (2016, Mega Cat Studios)
- 'Project Super Zombie Jack [SNES]' Music (2016, Mega Cat Studios)
- 'Viking Democracy [PC]' Music (2016, Mega Cat Studios)
- 'Sinking Feeling' Music (2016, Mega Cat Studios)
- 'Project Super Zombie Jack [SNES]' Music (2016, Mega Cat Studios)
- 'Project Pirate Dodgeball [GENESIS]' Music (2016, Mega Cat Studios)
- 'Project Zombie [GENESIS]' Music (2016, Mega Cat Studios)
- 'Project Rocknroll [GENESIS]' Music (2016, Mega Cat Studios)
- Logo Design (2016, Blue Ice Jewellery)
Member of Rautpohjan Elävän Musiikin Yhdistys Ry (1/2011-8/2015)
"During my formative years, as a member of a musician association called REMU, I played with about half a dozen odd jobs and party bands, ranging from blues to jazz and country to pop. I also played drums in an atmospheric folk band called Eetla in 2014, which had one gig at Lounaispuisto. Then I've done some fill-in gigs, such as playing bass for a band called Nordic Summer and drums/bass for a couple of corporate bands.""
Pandatom, Basic Horse (1/2013-11/2016)
"In 2013, I was a member of Pandatom, we did a 3D shooter video game in Unity with my friend. Then in 2016, I re-made the game in 2D with another friend as a unit called Basic Horse, that game ended up being a new game called Ghost Defense. In both projects, I worked on game design, code, music, sound, and 2D/3D assets."
JAMK University of Applied Sciences
- Software Engineer (B.E.) (2010-2013)
Jyväskylän Ammattiopisto
- Automation Technician (2006-2009)
Muuratsalon-, Lehtisaaren Koulu
- Elementary School (1996-2005)
California Institute of the Arts
“Olli has been fantastic to work with. He is incredibly talented, communicative, and has consistently delivered against any plan with a level of thoughtfulness that any team will be happy to have. I highly recommend Olli as an extension of anyone's team from start-up to enterprise initiatives. ” –James Deighan (Mega Cat Studios)
“Sen lisäksi, että Olli on mainio ihminen, jonka seurassa viihdyn, on hän vielä erityisen kova tekijä ammatissaan! Ollin meille tilaustyönä tehtyjen UX auditin sekä wirefreimauksen ansiosta pystyttiin avaamaan meidän tuotekehityksen solmuja uusin silmin ja ideoin.” –Arttu Helke (Trustmary)
“Tein Ollin kanssa yhteistyötä liittyen erilaisiin musaklippeihin ja mainosjingleihin. Ollin kanssa oli helppo työskennellä ja lopputuloksen laatuun pystyi aina luottamaan. Pienelläkin speksillä päästiin liikenteeseen ja lopputulos oli luovien ratkaisujen ja tuotannon osalta huippuluokkaa. Soitin Ollin kanssa myös samassa bändissä ja työpaikan kahvitauoilla harva se päivä. Muusikkona Olli on suvereeni osaaja ja monilahjakkuus. Oli edessä basso, syna tai rummut, homma hoituu ja taso on kova.”–Pekka Majaniemi (Paytrail)
“Olli's development as a UX-designer and visual problem solver has been immense. He has an innate knack for creating beautiful and functional visualizations – building them from wireframes to full-fletched visual designs. Olli actively hones these skills through eager experimentation, iteration, and studies – continuously growing as a holistic designer. Olli is an endearing part of the workforce with his Finnish quality of humor resonating with all the people around him.”–Aate Autio (Aiwo)
“Steering technical product development I was working with Olli in converting customer and business requirements to product UX, user interfaces and implementation. Olli takes responsibility in digging deep into requirements and communicating them and related aspects within the team. Where Olli shines is creating incredible end-user experiences that look graphically amazing. Also, there is never dull moment working with Olli especially if you have Finnish sense of dark humour.”–Hannu Klemetti (Aiwo)
“I was the one hiring Olli. Never had doubts on him. Always was proud of him. Often was jealous about his height. We had many seasons together on product development adventures. Olli is an active, honest and open colleague. He is willing to give and receive help. He didn’t always agree and there were times when assignments did not tickle all his ambitions and desires - yet he played for the logo in his shirt. Olli is a multi-talent person and together with his personal characteristics and attitude towards work, he is really something. Man, I miss him.” –Vesa Kortteinen (Paytrail)
“Working with Olli is a real privilege. He is a creative thinker who always works hard and smart to get job done. You can always count on his help, vision and on his honest opinion. One might call him a UX designer, but really he is an artist. He is the kind of player you definitely want to have in your team. I would work with him again at any time and with great pleasure.” –Saana Borgström (Paytrail, Aiwo)